When I open control prompt it'due south now defaulting to the user folder rather than system32 as it used to.

How do I permanently change it dorsum to system32 similar information technology's supposed to be rather than merely a temporary CD command?

I have read that this change has occurred due to an installed program irresolute an environment variable just non certain how to correct it.

This is a windows vii machine so there is no right click "open in file location" setting.


asked Jun 1, 2021 at 18:09

user avatar


  • Opening to USERS has been that way for a while. Even with PATH CompSpec set the System32, USERS is notwithstanding used by CMD. It is not any kind of an impediment to me.

    Jun 1, 2021 at eighteen:21

  • @John, non so in Windows 20H2, 5. 19042.985 - it opens to System32.

    Jun 1, 2021 at 18:32

  • @DrMoishePippik Using Windows 20H2 v. 19042.985, if I launch cmd equally ambassador, System32 is opened. If launch normally, then USERS is opened.

    Jun 1, 2021 at 18:56

  • Command Prompt will e'er open in the users'due south binder. This is and then past design since Windows 7 and up. If yous run Command Prompt as Administrator, it changes to %windir%\system32. So run CMD as administrator is one way to get information technology working.

    Jun ane, 2021 at xix:08

  • @Ramhound, no, for whatsoever reason, when I hit the Windows cardinal, type "CMD" and Enter, it opens at the Sytem32 folder. And I'm not pressing Ctrl-Shift, nor does the CMD prompt have Authoritative privilege. This is what I find, not theoretical.

    Jun 1, 2021 at 22:02

one Respond 1

For Windows 10, in that location are multiple means to change the default CMD path; i of these might also work on primitive versions.

  • Using a Windows shortcut:

    • Right-click a folder (or desktop).
    • Select New > Shortcut.
    • In Type the location of the item, enter cmd.exe, click Side by side and Finish.
    • Correct-click the new shortcut and select Backdrop.
    • In Start in:, enter C:\Windows\System32 or other path.
  • Using a Registry alter:

    • Open Regedit.
    • Browse to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor (or copy/paste that central into the location bar).
    • Rigjht-click the right pane and select New > String Value.
    • Name the new REG_SZ Autorun.
    • Double-click the new value and enter cd /d C:\Windows\System32 or other path for the value.

answered Jun 1, 2021 at 18:53

user avatar


  • The registry edit works merely keeps being flagged for deletion whatever time I run a scan of the motorcar. Regardless this is a new upshot as command prompt used to previously default to the system32 folder without this alter existence necessary. Like I said in the original mail service, I've read elsewhere that this change was caaused by an enviroment variable amending. How exercise I ensure the enviroment variables are correct so this is fixed in the process?

    Jun 2, 2021 at xvi:24

  • Still looking for enviroment variables since DrMoishe Pippik'southward solution is only a work around and non an actual gear up.

    Jun 2, 2021 at 22:27

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